Ursuline College Blackrock
Attendance and Punctuality Procedures
Attendance Procedures Re: Notifying School of Student Absences
Parents/Guardians should use the school App
to notify the school of their daughter’s absence. The Absentee Form on the App will include the following
or year group
Expected duration of absence. Please
note that dates submitted should only include days when the student is not in
for absence
and signature of the person reporting the absence.
Please note that absence notifications
automatically update the daily school roll and your daughter's school
attendance record. Given this, it is essential that accurate and timely notes
are submitted for any absence.
& Whole School Events
Whole school events such as the Carol Service,
School Masses, School Awards, Sports Days, School Walks etc. are integral to
our school ethos and build a strong sense of school community. Attendance at
these events is expected. These events are not optional nor are they an
opportunity for an early finish to the school day. Permission to leave requests
for the day of these events must be made via telephone to the Principal /
Deputy Principal. In the event that a parent would like to exempt their
daughter from a particular event on religious grounds, the school will accommodate
the student with an alternative activity during the time.
Procedures Re: Year Heads Signing Students Out
Scheduled Appointments must be logged via
the school App. Permission for a student to leave school during the course of
the school day must be provided via the Permission
to Leave Form on the school App.
A student who needs to leave
school during the day due to illness etc. must:
1) Seek written permission
(in the school journal) from their Year Head (or Principal/Deputy Principal if
Year Head is not available) for the school secretary to telephone their
Students present the journal to the school secretary who telephones home
requesting that the parent / guardian complete a permission to leave form via
the App.
3) Please note that parents / guardians are required to present at the school office before a student can depart school.
Punctuality Procedures Re: Students arriving late to school
If the parent/guardian is aware that
their daughter will be late they should use the school App to notify the school
via the Late Note.
Otherwise, students must sign in at reception. Persistent lateness impacts upon
the learning of the student and may impact upon the learning of other students
in the classroom.
Parents and Guardians may check their
daughter’s attendance and punctuality by logging on to their daughters’ VSWare
account. (Instructions for logging onto VSWare can be found on the Parent
section of the school website)